Design Revolution

Design Revolution

Design Revolution featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


House of Escher

As a photographer, mainly working as an artist, I am looking for the the unusual to take the ordinary from reality. This minimal and beautiful staircase is inside the "Service Center for Students" at University of Cologne, designed by Schuster Architects. This is a very good example for my work: I am looking for the right angles to create pictures where the beholder stops and asks "What is ist? Where is it?". The mind-bending angles of the staircase, evoking the quetsions above, reminded me strongly of the surrealistic drawings by MC Escher, therefore the title.

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Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business is a series of 3D holographic portraits have been created as 3D holographic lenticulars to create awareness of the high rates of disability in the Australian Aboriginal community and the complexity of the political and social history which impacts on the lives of all Australians. The exhibition has an app for people with sensory, cognitive and learning impairments which enables inclusive engagement of the project. The exhibition was shown at the United Nations in Geneva in 2013 and United Nations New York in 2014 and is now touring nationally.

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Shining Passion

This shot Japanese fireworks' sparks remain in the night sky.It isn't always the same shape, depending on the wind on the day of launch.Fireworks with the fire original color were taken.As a result, it is finished in the photograph like Japanese lacquerware with gold leaf.This is also an artificial moment that the photographer predicted and calculated the composition how fireworks will rise, and a little coincidence or God's playfulness is also added.

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Studio Mobile

The Studio Mobile could be considered as a service. The artist just goes to the photographed people, provides them with clothing and props, and then takes a photograph. The purpose is simple: try to convey the existence of pure romantic and kindness. It tries to be different from the digital time as well, for every participators could receive their printed photos onsite. During the whole journey, the participators gave back many things to the artist which fulfilled the artist's intention of communication and connecting to the world.

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We Set Sail

In today's society people's spirits are constantly suppressed by all the rules in order for the modern world to function. We Set Sail's music allows people to tap into their inner emotions or in this case their inner "ANIMAL" spirit. The goal was to illustrate the different contrasts of the music by blending different animals with paint clouds. Predators were used to show the aggression within the music and grazing animals were used to show the more elegant side of it.

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Bedtime Story 2

Personal project developing two visionary scenes as pictured in the mind of photographer then bringing them up to real scenes, lighting subjects accordingly with original vision and working real things in order to create final photographs. Focused on lighting tools for professionals this project is about photographer's vision and how he creates dreamy images working with real assets and talents through high refined lighting techniques and state of the art photography.

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